Help us plan for 2020

We need your help to plan the hui, opportunities and support we offer for whānau in 2020.

At our recent Marae Noho at Rapaki, we shared ideas for the hui, gatherings and whānau support we’d like to see happen going forward. Below are the key themes we came up with together as a rōpū.

Please help us by filling out this quick form and ticking the three options you’d be most interested in next year. This will help us plan an awesome 2020 for us all!

2020 planning: what would you like to see?


Notes from our planning session at Rapaki

Here are the full notes from our planning session at Wheke Marae, covering what whānau want to start, stop and keep in 2020.


-        Learning more waiata and actions

-        More Marae Noho

-        Basic Te Reo lessons

-        Learning legends/stories of local area

-        Tāne ora, wāhine ora, tamariki ora & kaumātua ora workshops

-        Swimming classes

-        Peer support / relationship building

-        Learning traditional skills: mahi ā-ringa poi, weaving, medicine

-        Group outings, eg. movie nights

-        More one-on-one work

-        More field workers (Navigators)


-        Wānanga in winter


-        Māori first – whānau led

-        Hui info, pānui and updates

-        Marae Noho: increase to four a year

-        Reo

-        Cultural kai

-        Promoting whānau helping whānau (networking)

-        Home visits

-        Navigation support such as: home skills support, custody advice

-        Activities at hui, such as stone painting (include our tamariki)