July Newsletter - Games Night, Māori Market, and other Hui

Hei Whakapiki Mauri whānau newsletter | Hōngongoi 

Kia ora whānau, 

Here’s to a beautiful New Year, and again thanks to everyone who came to the Marae Noho or were with us in spirit. As I said in my blog, the mauri of who we are only increases with your presence. You are the reason we are who we are, and the reason that the Hei Whakapiki Mauri team do the mahi that we do. Thank you!
For those who saw my Facebook live, you would know we are in an organising phase at the moment.

I have been in touch with Claire Ryan about facilitating sexuality workshops with us. We look forward to seeing her early September so watch this space and Facebook for more details really soon. 
There is a Māori Market happening at the Christchurch Town Hall on Saturday 3rd August. Please scroll down and see the details below. If you have any products that you want to add to the stall, please let me know ASAP. The market will be an excellent opportunity to promote who we all are and our kaupapa.  We really would love your help with this.
I look forward to catching up  with some whanau over the next couple of weeks about our Dance Party that we talked about at Arowhenua. If it’s okay with everybody, I think we'll have this in September or October to give us some more time to do a fabulous job I had a brainwave of using this activity as a fundraiser. Let me know what you think. We could get a band in or just get lots of really good music.  Please let me know if you have time to help out in any way.  Remembering that it takes a village to raise a child so am assuming it's a similar thing for this event! 
We really appreciated your help with our last round of reporting to Te Pūtahitanga at the beginning of July. . Aroha mai – we usually ask for your feedback just before the due date which is a bit naughty, I’m going to be ultra-organised this time and put the link in every panui so that you can all provide feedback whenever works for you. You are welcome to complete the survey anytime. The results go straight to Te Pūtahitanga and get collated there. Please fill out our survey here
Speaking of feedback, our very own Te Pūtahitanga are hosting a workshop about the review of the Carers Strategy, and the recent initiative to 'make funded family care fairer'. Input is essential to ensure that their Strategy is sound and reflects what whānau are saying. I encourage you to contribute and please let us know if you need support to attend. Further details below.

Because of all these hui and events that are underway but not quite here yet, Gary and I have decided to have Te Po Kemu - a games night on the 10th of August – just because we miss you . Let me know of what games would be cool for the group. Bring a koha for a pot-luck tea. Scroll down for details.

Please also note that Hei Whakapiki Mauri will be taking a wee break from the 23rd-26th of July.  Gary and I will be away for a few days and Waikura will have her phone off.  It has been a busy few months and we look forward to coming back refreshed.  

An update on our Rapaki Noho will be on Facebook soon.

So last but not least,our new merchandise is on the way. Logo Land at Northlands now has a template of our tohu / logo. By next week anyone can go in and get our tohu printed for $25 for an A4 sized print and $15 for a smaller sized print on the front of your own garment. We will also be sourcing some plain hoodies and t-shirts shortly. I will put up a Facebook live when everything is sorted to let you know all the details. 
Keep warm whānau and we look forward to catching up really soon,  

Mauri ora,
Ruth and Waikura. 

Hei Whakapiki Mauri hui

Te Po Kemu - Games Night

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Date:  Saturday 10th August 
Time: 3:30pm 
Location: 7 Blair Ave, Papanui
RSVP:  to Ruth 027 440 8573 or email at ruth@kanohikitekanohi.org


  • Join us for a games and kai at our home

  • An opportunity to be together and discuss upcoming events too

  • We would greatly appreciate a koha for the pot-luck dinner

Māori Market 

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Date:  Saturday 3rd August 
Time: 10:00am – 5:00pm
Location: Christchurch Town Hall - 86 Kilmore Street, Christchurch 


  • Suitable for all ages + free admission

  • A range of kai, crafts, artwork, healing, and company to nourish your hinengarō (mind), tinana (body) and wairua (spirit)

  • Contact Ruth ASAP if you have products you would like to add to the stall!

Carers' Strategy Consultation Hui 

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Te Pūtahitanga want to gain feedback from carers on the proposed Carers' Strategy Action Plan to make sure the Plan is right for carers and reflects what matters most to carers and their whānau. 
 Wednesday 24th July 
Time: 10:00am – 1:00pm
Location: 10 Show Place, Addington, Christchurch 


  • No need to RSVP, but if you have questions you can contact: info@teputahitanga.org or phone 0800 187 689

  • We encourage any and all who are interested to contribute!

  • Contact Ruth if you need support attending

As always, we welcome whānau feedback and ideas. Reply to this email to share your thoughts with us.

For more information:
027 440 8573